Association Hierarchy
A list of Associations impacting radio and free sailing

World Sailing is responsible for
the promotion of the sport internationally;
managing sailing at the Olympic and Paralympic Games;
developing the Racing Rules of Sailing and regulations for all sailing competitions;
the training of judges, umpires and other administrators;
the development of the sport around the world; and
representing the sailors in all matters concerning the sport.
The Royal Yachting Association is the national body for dinghy, yacht and motor cruising, all forms of sail racing, RIBs and sports boats, windsurfing and personal watercraft and a leading representative for inland waterways cruising.
International Radio Sailing Association (IRSA)
IRSA is the worldwide radio sailing organization as an affiliated member of World Sailing. IRSA is dedicated to the enhancement of both current and emerging world radio sailing classes through the promotion and development of consistent class rules, measurement methods, radio yachting racing rules, and advice in running major racing events.
Model Yachting Association
The Model Yachting Association (MYA) was formed in 1911 as the Model Yacht Racing Association, changing its name to the present title in 1923. We are fortunate and proud to have the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Philip.
The MYA is an association of clubs whose members can join the MYA to enjoy all the benefits that membership provides.
The MYA is the National Authority for Radio and Free sailing in the UK and are affiliated to, and recognised by, the Royal Yachting Association and the International Radio Sailing Association (IRSA) providing direct links to World Sailing and enabling us to have influence on the rules governing our sport
IOM International Class Association (IOMICA)
The IOMICA has three major areas of responsibility: the class rules, international events, and class measurers. It exercises these responsibilities under the jurisdiction of the ISAF Radio Sailing Division:
GBR National Class association
The National Class Association (NCA) for GBR is the voice of GBR IOM owners on the IOMICA World Council.
The NCA for GBR is responsible for ensuring that GBR owners are able to put their views to the International One Metre Class Association (IOMICA) and for proposing and voting on proposals to class rules and administration on the world stage.
Any MYA member with a registered IOM is automatically a member of the NCA, further registration is no longer required.
There is no class Captain at the moment
Other class associations and their links